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Due to inclement weather, all Blinn College District campuses will be closed and classes are canceled for Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. (Last Updated 1/19 at 6:15 p.m.)

Cyber Engineering Degree Plan

The student would complete the Associate of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering Track taking four core curriculum courses from the list above and taking ENGR 2406, Introduction to Digital Systems in place of MATH 2415, Calculus III (which is not required in the CYEN degree plan at HCU).

The student also would need to take COSC 2353, Operating Systems, from HCU during Semester 4. The price for Blinn students to take COSC 2353 from HCU during Semester 4 is set at $550, with no additional fees.

4-Year Suggested Academic Plan for Transfer
First Year-Freshman
First Semester Second Semester
BLINN Course Name Hrs BLINN Course Name Hrs
ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering 2 ENGR 1304 Engineering Graphics I 3
MATH 2413 Calculus I 4 MATH 2414 Calculus II 4
COSC 1420 C Programming 4 PHYS 2325 University Physics I - Lecture 3
ENGL 1301 English Composition I 3 PHYS 2125 University Physics I - Lab 1
Core 050 ARTS 1301 or MUSI 1306 3 ENGL 1302 English Composition II 3
Core 060 HIST 1301 or HIST 1302 3
Total 16 Total 17
Second Year-Sophomore
First Semester Second Semester
BLINN Course Name Hrs BLINN Course Name Hrs
ENGR 2304 Programming for Engineers 3 ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits 4
ENGR 2406 Introduction to Digital Systems 4 MATH 2320 Differential Equations 3
PHYS 2326 University Physics II - Lecture 3 Core 040 ENGL 2322 or PHIL 1301 3
PHYS 2126 University Physics II - Lab 1 Core 090 SPCH 1315 Public Speaking 3
Core 080 PSYC 2301 3
Total 14 Total 13
Blinn College District Associate of Science in Engineering - Electrical Engineering Track
Third Year-Junior
First Semester Second Semester
HCU Course Name Hrs HCU Course Name Hrs
COSC 3342 Computer Networks 3 CYEN 3331 Computer Network Security 3
ELEN 4341 Embedded Systems 3 CYEN 4335 Applied Cryptography 3
MATH 3311 Introduction to Discrete Math 3 MATH 3314 Probability and Statistics 3
Core1 Liberal Arts Core Class (LACC) 3 MATH 3111 Advanced Topic in Math 1
HIST 2311 Western Civilization I 3 GOVT 2313 American & Texas Government 3
COSC 2353 Operating Systems 3
Total 15 Total 16
Fourth Year-Senior
First Semester Second Semester
HCU Course Name Hrs HCU Course Name Hrs
CYEN 4333 or COSC 4381 Reverse Engineering or Data Analytics 3 CHRI 2373 Christian Theology & Tradition 3
Science CHEM 2415 or BIOL 2454 4
CYEN 4337 Security Operations 3 CYEN 4374 OT Network Security 3
ELEN 4374 OT Networks 3 ENSC 4312 Senior Project II 3
ENSC 4311 Senior Project I 3 CYEN 4331 Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime 3
CHRI 1301 Introduction to the Bible 3
ENSC 4315 Internship/Professional Experience 3
Total 18 Total 16
Houston Christian University Bachelor of Science in Cyber Engineering

Even though there are some classes where the number of hours is not equivalent, the total number of hours for the first two years are equivalent.

This student would then transfer to HCU ready to begin his/her junior year, still needing to take two Liberal Arts Core Classes (LACC) at HCU, along with GOVT 2312 and HIST 2311, for which there are no equivalent classes at Blinn. The requirement for FYS 1300 is waived for students who have completed more than 32 hours. Students transferring to HCU with 45 hours or more are only required to take CHRI 3300 as opposed to taking CHRI 1301 and CHR 23 73, thus reducing the number of hours in the degree plan from 125 to 122.

The Blinn degree plan include several classes that can be selected from the list of Core Curriculum Courses. The current courses from this list that are already included in the TCCNS articulation matrix are the following:

Blinn College District HCU
040 Language, Philosophy, and Culture
ENGL 2322 ENGL 2315
PHIL 1301 PHIL 1313
050 Creative Arts
ARTS 1301 or ART 2343 or
MUSI 1306 MUSI 1331
060 American History
HIST 1301 or HIST 2313 or
HIST 1302 HIST 2323
080 Social and Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 2301 PSYC 1313
090 Component Area Option
SPCH 1315 COMM 1323
Blinn-to-HCU Transfer Agreement Home Computer Science Degree Plan Cyber Engineering Degree Plan Electrical Engineering Degree Plan